• In August, Lloyd spoke to a group of students at Duke University.

  • In August, Lloyd delivered the Opening Keynote to the Garrett Planning Network’s 18th Annual Retreat in Colorado. Participants raved, and Sheryl Garrett, herself said, "Professor Shefsky kicked off our 18th Annual Conference with a talk on his most recent book, Visionarie$ Are Made Not Born. The most successful leaders work smart and diligently. In his presentation as well as in his most recent book, Lloyd explains the steps that extraordinary business leaders take, which we can understand, adopt and benefit from immediately. Thank you for a great kickoff presentation!" 

  • Northern Trust is conducting a road trip, featuring Rick Waddell (Chair & former CEO) and Lloyd Shefsky, author of Visionarie$ Are Made Not Born. Their recent appearances, in NYC and Phoenix, entitled “Business Leaders & Visionaries,” were based on Lloyd’s book. The programs were presented to audiences of Northern Trust customers and were well-received, so plans are underway to extend the run for customers in Naples, FL and Chicago.

After the first two events, Rick Waddell (chair & former CEO) said:

“Lloyd Shefsky…Combining his wealth of personal experience with his considerable presentation skills, Lloyd is able in group presentations to bring to life insightful stories of business leaders as they tackle opportunities and challenges in building their businesses. Audiences will come away with important insights from Lloyd.  I highly recommend Lloyd Shefsky for your next group meeting, conference or leadership development seminar.”  
Rick Waddell

  • Lloyd presented at the Big Dinner and Big Breakfast events, respectively.

The Big Dinner program is “the Premier Learning Event in South Florida for Business Owners. Each month [they] bring one national author to speak to a small group high above downtown Fort Lauderdale.”

Please fill out the form Below if you would like LLOYD to speak at an upcoming event or meeting.